31-Day Blogging Challenge 2021
I know it’s extremely late to join this bandwagon because in fact, blog challenges were done by bloggers so many years back. But well, I have no other way to compel myself from writing regularly on this website so I guess this is actually a good idea!

Imagine: I’ve been paying hosting and domain renewals on a yearly basis YET I am not maximising the platform that I could have used to educate many people and to help spread information and valuable news to anyone who might need them. Right? Not to mention my very bad habit of buying a domain and neglecting to renew it and losing all the link juices inside, putting them all to waste.
I’ve honestly been blogging since 2009 but I’ve been inconsistent NOT only in my posting schedule but also on my site title and my branding. Back then, I ran a Multiply blog I called ___dancingintherain. I forgot the first word! Haha. The next month, I left it for Tumblr and then Blogspot, which I eventually converted into a private one because I felt that I was stripping myself naked with the rawness of my thoughts and feelings. Lol
And then I started to use my real name to launch a website which I didn’t renew—now I’m totally silently crying because of the wasted DA. Aaaand the drafts! I had a lot of drafts. 🙁
So the plan is:
- Set the alarm to 9PM (adjust accordingly to fit toddler’s sleeping schedule)
- Follow this publishing themes:
- Sundays – Thoughts
- Mondays – Travel
- Tuesdays – Lifestyle (press releases, announcements, new stuff in Negros)
- Wednesday – Family life
- Thursdays – Freelancing
- Fridays – Fashion
- Saturdays – Our Wedding
- Write for an hour. Nothing more, nothing less. 🙂
Anyway, so here I am—-attempting to finally be able to make blogging a habit. I hope I can survive this 31-day blogging challenge until the process comes naturally to me. Wish me luck!